ちきり神社~香川県高松市仏生山町甲2566鎮座 電話087-889-0554






1. 本サービスにおけるデータの取得のため。(性別、都道府県など)。
2. お客様に有益と思われる本サービスに関するサービスの情報や、委員会の関連サービスの情報、メンテナンス情報等の情報案内および告知のため。(メールアドレス)
3. 法令等により求められた場合の情報開示のため。(開示請求のある項目)
4. その他、第三者に不利益を及ぼすと当事務局が判断した場合などのため。(許可のある項目のみ)






  1.获取此服务中的数据。 (性别,县等)。
  2.有关信息指导和公告,例如与此服务相关的服务信息,似乎对客户有益,有关委员会相关服务的信息,维护信息等。 (电子邮件地址)
  3.在法律法规要求时披露信息。 (要求披露的项目)
  4.出于其他原因,例如秘书处认为它将对第三方产生不利影响。 (仅限许可的物品)

About handling of personal information
  The Buddha Mountain Shrine Mr. Experience Project Committee (hereinafter referred to as the Committee) believes that it is the duty of the Committee to take responsibility for the personal information provided by the customer himself. The Committee will pay maximum attention to the handling of personal information you have asked from customers, and strive for appropriate protection.
  About personal information
  Personal information is one that can identify a specific individual by personal information (birth date, other description, etc.). This can include verification with other information, thereby identifying specific individuals.
  About the handling of personal information
  Registration information registered by the customer is possessed by the Committee and may be used for the following purposes. In addition, we will not use your registered information except for the purposes below.
  1. For obtaining data in this service. (Gender, prefecture, etc.).
  2. For information guidance and announcement such as information on services related to this service which seems to be beneficial to customers, information on related services of the committee, maintenance information etc. (E-mail address)
  3. For disclosing information when required by laws and regulations. (Item requested for disclosure)
  4. For other reasons such as when the Secretariat judges that it will adversely affect third parties. (Only permitted items)
  About management and protection of personal information
  The Committee protects all of the personal information you have received by encrypting it by taking reasonable technical measures and prevents dangers such as unauthorized intrusion of personal information, loss of personal information, tampering, leakage I am striving for it. In addition, only those authorized by this committee can solve the encryption of personal information based on the privacy policy. They guarantee that valuable information we receive from you will always be handled in a safe environment.
  About cookies
  Cookies are small data sent from the web server to the browser. This allows the server to gather information from the browser. The Committee uses cookies to gather information on where the user has gone. By doing this, the contents of access are kept, saving the time and effort of input and access, and it is a reference for providing the optimum service to you.
  The use of cookies also allows us to provide personalized web content to our members and to access information on their accounts.
  It is possible to set not to use cookies in the web browser. However, please understand beforehand that it may not be possible to use part of this service.
  Information Disclosure
  It is described in the Privacy Policy that the Committee sells, shares or lends your information to other than the Committee's group companies, business partners, company acquirers, or companies to whom it is provided There is no case. In addition, when disclosing information to the group company, business partner, enterprise acquirer, or company to whom the committee is affiliated, the personal information is managed in a sufficiently safe manner, without being disclosed to other third parties , We guarantee that it will only be used for the marketing of products of each company.
  However, business partners, strategic partners, business acquirers and providers may collect their own information for their respective purposes, and the use of this personal information is not a regulation of the Committee.
  In addition, the Committee may request the disclosure of personal information pursuant to the provisions of a court, an administrative agency, or other law, in accordance with the provisions of other laws, or in the case of investigation of crimes, the elimination or prevention of infringement of rights against third parties, In the event that there is a necessity to comply, it is possible to disclose your personal information within the necessary range, and you agree in advance about the possibility of such disclosure.
  About the link destination
  Please be aware that websites of this committee may post advertisements and may collect your personal information at the link destination. This privacy policy does not cover the policy of a third party company.
  Because each company's idea and policy may differ depending on the company, we recommend that you read the policies of all sites you use.
  Change of handling of personal information
  The Committee can change the handling of personal information without the permission of the user. The handling of the changed personal information shall be presented on-line designated by the Committee and the user shall accept the handling of the latest personal information.

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